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NH3 Goes Deep, Is That The Secret?   TAPPS and TAPPKTS plus Zinc Goes Deep.  

Click here to see article from KansasFarmer

Order More Cows with Exactrix® Winter Wheat Management.
Update on Exactrix® and Reports from Crop Quest.
® TAPPS working well in seed corn and commercial corn.

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An economic revolution with an Exactrix®  No-tillage system with TAPPS and Stocker Feeders on Winter Wheat.  

Here is a supporting document for Exactrix® TAPPS in forage production of 10 million acres of the Southern Great Plains.

Crystalline TAPPS, Exactrix® Application Chemistry Drives Nutrient Efficiency In All Soil Types.

Beef cattle on forage is the largest Agricultural enterprise on the Southern Great Plains. 

The potential for enhanced forage yields and the resultant increase carrying capacity under drought conditions has very large implications.  

Stocker feeders can gain up to 400lbs. per acre or $200 to $250 per acre and in exceptional conditions up to $400 per acre income per acre. GJS 

Up to 4,500 lbs. per acre dry weight forage can be produced.  

Stocker feeders can gain up to 3.5 lbs. per day with proper fertilization, No-till and good rainfall. GJS 

The banding techniques of Exactrix® TAPPS on high and low pH soils  and TAPPKTS® on low CEC soils  to 7 and 8 inch depths.  

This new Exactrix® and proven Exactrix® technique also includes Thio-sul ® and Ammoniated Zinc which keeps protein levels much higher in the forage and grain.  

The Stocker Feeder carrying capacity target goal increase is 155% to 200% with TAPPS at much lower costs of production, Exactrix® owners going No-till are planning on more Stocker Feeders in 2018/2019.  

Confirmed by Howard Bartel of Crop Quest….150% more cows and up to 200% more cows with No-till and Exactrix® TAPPS.  

Here is what the scientist at Texas A and M discovered.

Travis Miller says, “ Late August through early October is typically a high rainfall period, as the first cold fronts from the North collide with Gulf moisture, resulting in long bands of thunder showers. The thunder showers drift from northwest to southeast across the region resulting in rainfall accumulations of 3 t 4 inches per month. The October thru March period tends to be a very dry time of the year, with monthly averages below 1 inch per month. This is lower accumulations than what the wheat crop utilizes. This dry period results in a deficient moisture condition.” 

Travis further states, “ Wheat for grazing is planted early to optimize vegetative growth. This rapid early growth tends to deplete surface moisture.  

Travis confirms that, “ If we look at mobile fertilizer elements such as N, this does not pose a problem as active roots in the lower soil profile continue to supply the crop with N.  

Travis reviews Phosphate, “With P, we begin to quickly see a yield limiting situation with conventional fertilizer application techniques.”


     Dr. Travis Miller


What is different from the old top dress or seed row phosphate approach?
Remember that Travis Miller 1998 study is prior to P-51C Mustangs with 7 to 8 inch No-tillage deep banding and Exactrix
® TAPPS with Vermiculated Bands at 1% CV.  

Travis did testing on 10 inch spacing with 8 inch deep tillage using chisels and discs in multiple passes. Travis used a tillage system to band deep. About 4 to 5 inches of soil moisture was lost in the tillage system.
In winter wheat production each 1 inch of stored soil moisture results in 7 bushels of yield. Up to 35 bushels of yield potential was given up due to tillage.  

Travis application equipment had a 30% CV of application at the minimum. He did use ammonia at one location and in the time period ammonia application equipment was old fashioned and poor in pressure reducing mode.  For sure there was poor application equipment.
Travis did not use band stabilization of TAPPS with Thio-Sul. In fact a portion of the testing was with non-stable UAN.  

  • Exactrix® 15 inch band spacing in crystalline TAPPS on high pH calcareous soils. So the bands are more concentrated with Exactrix® and placed deep at 6 inch to 8 inch depth.
  • Exactrix® is totally No-till which means better and better with Rotational Band Loading.
  • The 1% CV of application means TAPPS will perform with 166% more crop available nutrients and Ammoniated Zinc can be added.
  • In drought stress conditions, Roots will develop much deep in October to December.
  • The Deep bands at 6 to 8 inch depth will allow the roots to colonize in more consistent moisture with No-tillage.
  • Long Term residual bands of TAPPS with Zinc with support even better root growth and development.

On Sandy soils of the Great Plains it may be more effective to band TAPPS and TAPPKTS into growing wheat.

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The Southern Great Plains rainfall pattern is lighter in October through March. Therefore No-tillage is critical to store moisture in July, August and September.  

This similar to the Palouse Country of the PNW that must store winter moisture to raise good winter and spring wheat crops. No-tillage is critical to maximize storage of summer moisture patterns in Texas just like Washington State. It is critical to store moisture in the winter months.  


The No-till systems of  the Southern Great Plains soil must store moisture in July, August, September…at 3 to 4 inches per month. Some rainstorms can be hurricane residuals, like Harvey which dumped 12 inches in August of 2017 and wiped out the soil to the tillage depth and severally damaged the winter wheat stand.

Or September 2018 hurricane residuals at Munday and Haskell, Texas  that supplied 24 inches of moisture ( 5 times above normal) from late August to Mid-October.  The pattern of rainfall and intensity or rainfall requires No-tillage systems to keep soil and water in place and raising yield potential.

Soil erosion will come to a dramatic halt with Mustang Tool Bars implementing No-tillage on the rolling slopes and plains. The system will require about 3 years of continuous No-tillage to build root channels and eliminate tillage layers. Freezing of soils happens seldom to compaction of soils is possible. The will require track applicators and track tractors to protect the soil.




Rotational Band Loading is possible by the third year….with average band spacing on fifteen inch centers at 8 inch  banding depths of Tri-Ammonium Poly Phosphate Sulfate with Zinc or TAPPS plus AZn.   

Thus No Tillage and deep banded P makes the big difference….Deep Banded means 6 to 8 inches in depth with Ammoniated P as 10-34-0 and Thio-Sul® or Triple Ammoniated Poly Phosphate Sulfate with Zinc….or TAPPS with Thio-Sul and AZn.  

And today with Exactrix® P-51C Mustang openers, Nutrients can be injected into growing and established winter wheat.



It is always better to inject phosphorus into the soil when making pre-plant applications. Make sure it is Exactrix®TAPPS and TAPPKTS.

Banding to 8 inch depths and placing the vermiculated TAPPS  in concentrated and vertical strips, is the most efficient method of all to reduce P rates and yet get the top yield in all soil types.

Banding of liquid 10-34-0 in streaming flows at 1% CV of application or absolute uniformity means less P and K is required to get more grain and forage.

Banding is preferred where soil is very deficient in P or high in calcium carbonate. If it is only a minor deficiency (50 ppm or greater), the cost of banding P may not be justified.  

However, when applying NH3 banding deep is obviously required and 10-34-0 and Thio-Sul® get a free ride. Making nutrient application Phenomenally efficient on fifteen inch band spacing….and low 5 and 10 lb. rates of P are used.


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Late May Exactrix® Mustang Banding in Double Crop, Raising forage at Garden City, KS, First Crop, Green Chop Triticale, Second Crop, Green Chop Sorghum/Sudan,

Exactrix® TAPPS Deep banded adds 10 to 20 more days to the growing period with No-tillage. Superior efficiency is realized along the Arkansas river of western Kansas.

Thio-sul® is always applied at 3.5 to 7 gallons per acre. Typically a rate of 10-34-0 at 3 to 7 gallons per acre. Thio-sul® stabilizes the band and provides 2 types of Sulfur, 50% elemental sulfur and 50% sulfate,

Plus micro nutrients are freed up in the exclusive pH swing of TAPPS. Starting at 8.5 to 9.5 pH and mellowing downward to 6.5 pH the micronutrients are oxidized and freed up with Thio-sul® in the band.



Always remember that KTS® or potassium Thio-sulfate works very similar to Thio-Sul® in the band of TAPPKTS. Zinc is always required in the band to rationalize biological activity and supply the critical metal in soils that are general deficient due to the drop in OM. Always use low cost Ammoniated Zinc, 16-0-0-20Zn

Banding without soil disturbance is critical to raising high quality alfalfa. In fact when establishing alfalfa make sure you pre-plant band TAPPS for a great start. Then maintain the stand after the last cutting with TAPPS and TAPPKTS with micros.


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Banding phosphorus into established alfalfa is optional when the production margin is big. Producers are often wasteful with nutrients because top dressing is so easy. Top-dressing  dry fertilizer works sometimes but it takes a lot more fertilizer with top dressing and the response is slower due positional availability and non-uniform applications of non-mobile P and K. Deep Banding to 7 to 8 inch depth with Exactrix® TAPPS and TAPPKTS works every time in Alfalfa and perennial pasture crops (Coastal Bermuda and Bahia Grass) of the Southern Great Plains.

Large dry fertilizer applicators have application CVs of 25% to 50% which result in fertilizer that is not crop effective and preventing the promise of high yields. Up to half of the application of dry fertilizer is wasted into the environment.   In fact dry fertilizer application is wasteful due to non-uniform spreading over the top. There is a yield loss for years to come with Phosphate top dressed. Slopes and windy days complicate the problem. Sometimes the applicator will actually outrun the supply belt to the spreader spinner requiring a


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Shallow rooted Bluegrass is very sensitive to a poor application of nitrogen.
A costly decision with long term economic problems along an Idaho River. The Palouse River, The most polluted in the nation, (Man Caused) with phosphate levels 200 times above the national maximum.  

 Avoiding Dry Fertilizer Application Is Critical To Top Yields. Peformance of future crops is jeopardized.


Top Dressing Winter Wheat With A Floater.  Stripped out from over and under application.
Down Wheat Costs A Lot of Money At The SHB, Spokane.

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A Gravity Sensitive Means Of Controlled Spillage.

Agricultural pollution of rivers, streams, and gulfs is part of doing business.

  • What crop is the worst with nutrients? I heard it was wheat.
  • Since there is no world market for potatoes, you will find non-competitive practices and in many cases overproduction.
  • In the US you will find tillage in big margin crops, and probably the worst crop is potatoes.
  • Spuds have tremendous nutrient wastes, soil waste and wasteful use of carbon based inputs.
  • Potatoes in big acres of the PNW are subject to water and wind erosion.
  • In fact, some of the worst wind erosion in the nation is in Washington State and Southern Idaho irrigated areas.
  • Irrigated potato production drives the economics of the rotational crops, such as corn.
  • The equipment shortcut is made due to the convenience of the producer not investing in the correct equipment to raise corn efficiently, thus potato production sets up corn production for pivot-applied-solution 32-0-0. Mobile nitrate with cheap water is not a good plan.






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Exactrix® Tri-Plex applies 3 different products formulating TAPPS, TAPPKTS with AZn and micros, Accu-N considered. Exactrix® has provided new bio systems... banding into growing roots.

1. Mustang is Ideal for banding directly into wheat.
2. Virtually no root damage when side dressing seedling corn to a 6 inch depth with the P-51C.
3. Allows very deep placement of phosphate at 7 to 8  inch depth in moist soil conditions with the P-51CUE.
4. P-51D - Fumigant Injection - 28 and 30 inch coulters banding to depths of 9 inch.
5. Widely Tested, the Mustang seals the slot in all tested no-till soil conditions of North America.
6. Allows low cost banding on 10 inch centers to 15 inch centers.
7. Low soil disturbance...with a soil saving warranty.
8. Lowest operating cost...lowest known operating cost with the P-51B, P-51C and P-51CUE at banding depths to 7 inch in moist soil conditions. Typical banding costs are $1.25 to $1.75 per acre depending on soil type.





P-51CUE Mustang openers have replaceable chrome bits and Hardened TIO's that are O-ring fitted to the injector foot.The Chrome Replacement bit is economical to change during mid-season. Threaded TIO's allow quick changes.


A 7 section Case 940/Mustang at 61.5 feet banding No-till into irrigated 280 bushel corn stover, Shelton, NE

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At 12 mph or High Speed, Mustang banding at the 7 inch depth, Lyons, KS along the Arkansas River flood plain.









Fertilizing Winter Wheat with Exactrix® TAPPS in Marshall, MO area.   A powerful means to conserve.

Smith Center, KS. Fertilizing Winter Wheat in early April.  Big jump in economics…much higher yields.


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Start Ski Season Early in North Dakota


USDA-ARS, Single Disc Tool Bar at Walla Walla

No-till single disc, corn, wheat, soybean, sunflower, mustard, barley, soybean. Kansas Producer Mark Ricker, Mustang tool Bar.

Your Great Plains Reporter,
Guy J Swanson.

John Cory
Security West Financial

Call your new banker, John Cory, Security West Financial.   (509) 994-8555 You can go off the balance sheet and work with the best using the strength of Farm Credit and others.

John will help you spend about $40,000 annually to make $150,000 more annually by spending only $60 per acre in irrigated production for fertilizer. John understands the cycles of agriculture and how to keep your balance sheet looking good.

At the end of five years you will own a powerful machine that continue to produce good returns having already been paid for at the end of the first year.  You can even apply for your neighbors with a Mustang Tool Bar.

At 1,000 acres of corn, An internal bottom line savings of $750,000 over five years on 5,000 acres of corn.  

An Exactrix® Mustang Tool Bar capable of producing $550,000 of internally available funds in five years.   

  See Video 

Top yields, best margin and the new leader in VRT-Site Specific, Small Grains Expert. Eric Odberg at Genesee, Idaho breaking winter wheat yield records. Exactrix® TAPPS at Catholic Canyon using 4 management zones. Exactrix® Site-Specific, Variable Rate

"Paul Gangwish, Drone Video"
Track Machines improve production 200%.
Application time cut in half at 1 acre per minute.
Up to $150 more net income per acre.

The 2017 Agronomy Review.

Meeting your formulation needs.  

Picking your metering systems.  

Need more information on advanced crop production.


For More Information:
509.254 6854