No-tillage Corn, Guy Swanson says, "Nice Ears coming on at Hugoton. Pioneer 1197, Top of the mark."

Joel McClure has a nice crop coming at Hugoton, KS, just west of Hugoton, KS,
His Corn on Sunflowers, No-tillage system, is working well with Mustang P-51C single disc openers and Exactrix TAPPS.
His best variety looks like Pioneer 1197, with full ear kernels at 22 around and 50 up are about ready for harvest in 3 weeks.

Pioneer 1197

“Zahlen Bitte, count em up please”, over 1,000 kernels headed to bin in this one ear. Indexed Banding TAPPS.

The crop was fertilized with Exactrix TAPPS Variable Rate, site specific with a Mustang Tool Bar P-51C with no Gyro Counterweights and  banded to 7 inch depth in vermiculated TAPPS bands from 3 to 7 inch depth.  

The nominal N rate at 150 lbs. N as NH3 with 5 to 8 gallons poly phosphate with 3 to 5 gallons Thio-sul® crystallized in TAPPS bands. 

The center pivot corn crop was planted at 32,000 population on 20 inch rows with a Deere NT1710 planter, 40 foot and 24 rows.   

There has been 22 inches of moisture since April. Two storms in April produced 8 inches of moisture in rapid events. 

The fields were soil sampled to 48 inch depth in the TAPPS band following big 4 and 5 inch rain storms, TAPPS was key in April and May storms that super saturated the soil. The Exactrix TAPPS formulators are producing high yields with no more nitrogen required.  

Crop Quest soil samples confirmed there was no need to apply more N by sampling directly into the bands. 

TKI, Bert Bock also assisted in the review of the soil testing and resultant recommendation not to apply more N with the pivot or side dress. Thio-sul® works very well in stabilizing nitrogen.  

Testing was completed by two Exactrix farm owners with 20 inch single disc banding at 7 inch depth and 30 inch strip till band spacing.  

The soil sampling confirmed the Ammonium had not moved significantly with over 8 inches of total rainfall. The ammonium drooped about 8 inches from the original 6 inch depth or position.  

“The Ammonium, NH4,  as TAPPS stayed in place in large, over the top of the rain gauge, down pours.

“Thio-sul® in the crystal blend is key to ammonium remaining as ammonium which is ideal for immediate plant conversion to amino acids and protein.”



The Margin has improved at least 12% with Exactrix Technology.

Confirming no additional nitrogen was required, confirming that TAPPS works very well in high pH soils, in historical rainstorms.  One of best corn crops of Joel’s career is coming together.   Standby for news with data from Crop Quest regarding the Nitrogen Use Efficiency.  

Late February of 2016 banding at Moscow, KS, Joel McClure’s Mustang Tool Bar on 20 inch centers has found the sweet spot in corn on corn with Exactrix TAPPS. 

A 2003, 20 inch spacing,  DMI tool bar was converted to Mustang P-51C on 20 inch and the markers stayed on for counter weight.  

A new life for the DMI tool bar at high speed and less stress on the Mustang machine.  

Joel has spent several years developing this 40 foot DMI machine for No-tillage/Strip-Tillage. The bar is now converted for indexing of TAPPS bands to corn rows.

The Mustang P-51C allows for deep banding to 7 inch depth with Vermiculation of the nutrients. This advanced machine is “ Strip Till without the Tillage.”  The corn rows are planted directly on top of the Exactrix TAPPS bands on 20 inch centers. Highest levels of NPKS efficiency result.

An advanced system in improving crop yields with nutrient indexing in No-till and getting costs in line with VRT.  

Big ears of corn are produced with Joel’s advanced Exactrix Mustang system.

Exactrix TAPPS and Mustangs….Works well in dryland and irrigated production. Corn production is possible in very dry area of Southwest Kansas. Highest levels of nutrient effieciency…with 40 lbs. N as NH3 and 5 gallons APP/ATS in high pH soils results in 12% more net margin.

“Less is More on the Cimarron River of Southwestern Kansas. “

Cimarron River, the mighty Cimarron at Hugoton actually flowed a little water this year and 22 inches of moisture since April.
What is Vermiculation of Nutrients in single disc banding of nutrients?


Training Videos are available at

More news about Relay Intercropping at

Nitrogen Stabilization,
Thio-Sul® is as good or better than N-Serve®.

Mustard and Fumigation at WSU, U of I subject web page at

Terminate your Cover Crop Early.


For a good overview of banding deeper go to Center Pivot Corn Production

Need more historical reference of Exactrix Global Systems? Go to

Banding Deeper in No-till without tillage with Rotational Band Loading.

Need more information about STEEP test plots and how Exactrix performs? Go to

See Video  How TAPPS and TAPPKTS Changed a Kansas Farm. A  KSU Ag Economist gives a good review.    

Meeting your formulation needs.  

Picking your metering systems.

Need more information on advanced crop production? Go to


Exactrix P51 Mustangs
 Outstanding Video With Kevin Medow and His P51 Mustangs