Delivery of NH3 to applicators with mounted safer.

The Liquid Deliver of Ammonia will improve your net profit year after year.
A producer driven project in Nebraska...
Flexibility and Safety rule in the game of NH3 application.

Surrounding States that make liquid delivery.

Colorado, Steve McCasland, Yuma operating a DOT Transport and delivering to the applicator tank which is a single 2,000. Pictures on file. Has Approval letter from the State of Colorado.

He was caught by the CHP pulling six, 1,000 gallon ammonia tanks behind a pickup truck…so he decided to improve his transportation to the field. A smaller 1,800 acre producer.


In Colorado corn yields improved because of mounted 2,000 gallon tanks and liquid delivery of NH3 from a DOT transport...Delivery is made to side dressing tool bars where trailer nurse tanks will not work

The mounted tank technique made a big difference in producing a 316 bushel per acre average corn yields in 2012.

Clay Center, KS.

Clay Center, KS.

Kansas allows DOT Transport delivery to an applicator with a mounted tank. The applicator does not need to have a MC-330 or MC-331 tank mounted on the applicator. Almost always the total capacity needs to be 5,000 gallons The applicator does need to be able to take the delivery of half of the load of the transport or at least 20,000 pounds. The purpose of the Kansas law is political. To protect the transport drivers and their business whereby they deliver only to large applicators or storage tanks at farms and dealerships. The transport drivers will not individual small nurse trailers.

Iowa allows liquid delivery to applicators with mounted tanks and volume of the tank is limited.

South Dakota allows transport delivery to mounted applicator tanks.


North Dakota has a good safety record of liquid delivery to the applicator tanks in western ND…several producers run transports delivering to mounted tanks on Yielder Drills.

Manitoba is the same in sizes of twin tanks mounted in 265 psi rating.

Saskatchewan is the same…mounted tanks like yours with transport delivery.

Alberta is the same….mounted tanks on the applicator or permanent trailer..large delivery trucks and large applicators. British Columbia is the same.


Washington, Ammonia Tanks are often mounted to the tractor in the western US. This is a very safe way to handle ammonia as proven over 30 years.

Washington, Idaho, Oregon….all tanks are mounted to the applicator or the tractor or the trailer is non-detachable.

In the state of Washington….There are no nurse trailers that are towed down the road since it is unsafe to tow ammonia nurse tanks in the west.


Montana allows transport delivery to the field...

Utah allows transport and smaller truck delivery to the field.

Texas allows transport delivery to the field as in the state of Washington because it is safer and keeps the nurse trailers off the road.

The driver is Hazmat approved.
The delivery needs to be made with all the applicable safety equipment.
Liquid delivery is safer for many reasons. Just the efficiency alone makes it’s safer since it is handled half as much by Hazmat people.
The equipment used with DOT approved transports is much safer.


The 80,000 pound track trailer does not operate at high speed…it normally operates at field speeds of 8 mph and road speeds seldom go above 15 mph. the Trailer is not designed to exceed 20 mph.  

The 265 PSI tanks that you have installed are safer than 250 psi nurse trailers.  

The 265 psi tanks that are in service have safety valve shutdown and the tanks are heat treated.

The 265 psi rated tanks and track trailers are set up with ample water for flushing and showering.

Safety ropes shut down tank valves for transport. Safety ropes are located at all four corners of the machine.

Highest quality ammonia lines can be used with stainless steel braid protection.

Jumbo Magnetic filters with the Exactrix Magnetron effect cleans ammonia for season long performance of the filtration.


The safety aspect is the power play of Liquid Delivery of NH3.

To date…all deliveries are safe with no surprises due to advanced engineering, knowledge and understanding of 60 years of liquid delivery.

In Nebraska conditions we would expect 3 to 4 times less equipment on the road…with liquid delivery drivers that are Hazmat approved.

Over long distances of 10 miles or greater less plant investment and service is required. Fewer storage sites and nurse trailer support stations are required.

In western Nebraska, Liquid Delivery of NH3 is much more competitive than any other fertilizer source due to the distances involved.

In Nebraska conditions in level land and especially rolling land north of the Platte River the NH3 nurse trailers roll over.

Geneva, Nebraska.

In areas of Nebraska that need to develop higher levels of efficiency it becomes paramount to make liquid delivery of Anhydrous Ammonia avoiding nurse trailer tank ammonia over the road.

Alberta Producer…not a fertilizer dealer...a producer.

For Nebraska Fertilizer dealers a portion of the investment in NH3 storage has been the nurse trailers. The nurse trailers…at 1,000 gallons per trailer are 30 to 50 times more likely to have a ammonia leak or a safety deficiency.

The chances that a 30,000 gallon ammonia tank will have a safety violation is 30 to 50 times less likely than 30, 1,000 gallon ammonia tanks.

Liquid Delivery is so efficient and so safe as compared to the current practices. In fact a review of the safe delivery of propane and other types of gases confirms that nurse trailers are neither practical or safe.

The investment in infrastructure is more viable in the long term. Since the 30,000 gallon storage tank is not mobile….while the 1,000 gallon trailer tanks are bouncing around in fields. The wear and tear on pressure vessel equipment is greatly reduced. It is much easier to inspect and service one transport tank and two permanently mounted NH3 tanks on the applicator.


The disadvantage of Liquid delivery of NH3.

1. Hazmat delivery license required.

2. Higher quality people required to make the delivery.

3. Accepted in Propane..but not understood by farmers and fertilizer dealers.

4. A Disruptive Business Practice for some fertilizer dealers. Certain marketing techniques limit the sourcing of ammonia locally and therefore fertilizer dealers lose control of the their captive market.

5. Fertilizer dealers will want to protect their customer base by providing their 1,000 gallon trailers.

6. Fertilizer dealers may not have enough capital to participate in the change to liquid delivery of NH3. They may not have enough capital to move to a safer system. The capital is available to make the change.

7. Advanced fertilizer dealers want the liquid fertilizer business as well as the NH3 business. Most producers want to have a competitive stance with 2 or 3 dealers supplying nutrients.



Guy Swanson, Great Plains Reporter for Exactrix Global Systems.

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Eric Odberg at Genesee, Idaho breaking winter wheat yield records with Exactrix TAPPS at Catholic Canyon using 4 management zones with Exactrix Variable Rate. EO.htm
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