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                                            Case/Concord Applicator

Case 35 foot 5800 series chisel with Case Concord air delivery system.   
Applying 150 lbs. per acre of KCI with 35 gallons (150 lbs. N) per acre NH3 at 5 mph with Mole openers set at 3 inch depth. 
Ambient temperature 24 degrees F, tank pressure 55 psi, humidity 95%.   
NH3 applied on 24 inch centers, KCI applied on 12 inch centers.
Dempster 40 gpm E-6 pump
Exactrix equipped with .060 orifices


Exactrix® Global Systems LLC
509 995 1879 cell, Pacific.
General office: 509-254 6854
4501 East Trent Ave.
Spokane, WA 99212