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Green Ammonia, Green Distillers Grains for Black Shirt Feeders.

Methane fueling for electrical power is possible as a renewable energy source.   


  • You will note that dairy operations are especially environmental attractive at Pampa Texas.


  • Renewable Methane will find a good market price….but in the real-world economics, manure methane will be too expensive to build ammonia. 


  • A 15,000 head dairy can make more money using the power and selling power back to the grid.  


  • Compost is valuable. Manure not so much. Hauling a more concentrated and processed compost and not manure is the goal of Scarab at Pampa.


There are several ways for the livestock feedlot to reduce carbon inputs and take the credit.


A big plus is the New Holland, CNG European Tractor. Actual proof is seeing the tractor with really good ideas can come from Europe.

You may remember there is New Holland tractor running on Methane at the Dec.7. 2023 Expo in Lincoln, Ne.





The best way to get carbon credits is to feed the lowest possible fossil carbon feed using Green Ammonia to raise the corn crop.


  • A Green Distillers Grain from a Nebraska Ethanol Plant comes to mind.  


  • It may not be long before feeders in big lots can use a much better Green Distillers Grain. How can this be true?


Cattle feeders and dairies can go one step further with ammonia fueling and dual fueling the power source with renewable CH4 and zero carbon, green NH3.


Methane capture is possible at the dairy.

  • The RCC paving (Roller Compacted Concrete Paving) keeps the dirt out the manure…


  • This is a proven Canadian technique that allows for a Digester cleanout to be reduced…


  • For sure the RCC paving in the feedlot is mandatory as the methane digester will load up on dirt…


A great carbon credit….Green Distillers Grain purchased from a Nebraska Ethanol Plant would help. Producers must use Green Ammonia in crop production for the corn ethanol to have the EPA pathway.


A carbon credit feedlot is going to work very well…


The veterinarians and feed lot managers will need an IP feed line, or an EPA Pathway traceable to the grower and the plant as zero carbon ammonia and produced with low fossil inputs.   


Also, Nebraska Ethanol Plants using GPA’s Green Hydrogen for the digesters and plant electricity can supply a higher quality distillers’ grain.  This is a simple EPA pathway the Green Distillers Grain like milo ethanol and amylase corn ethanol.


This is not only an answer it is very economical using Green Play Ammonia two products,  Green Hydrogen and Green Ammonia process for Ethanol plants.


The Manure can be processed with a SCARAB processor and injection of Zero Carbon Green Ammonia to enhance biological activity.


All of this manure processing is coming along. You will note that Exactrix has been discussing use of Green Ammonia with Mark Urbanczyk, SCARAB, Pampa.


Mark’s company builds a critical machine (50 years) for  feedlot manure that must have aeriation and nutrient processing before shipping.


You can contact Mark at Scarab. Exactrix has a joint venture for the Flexing Mustang Tool Bar components shown in  the Grey Paint in the below picture….Scarab will build the tongue and parallelogram axle group.

GSF at Shelton with a five section FMTB…Flexing Mustang Tool Bar.

Scarab will handle the tongue and the parallelogram rear axle.

Obviously GSF can raise the crop with Green Ammonia. They have the storage.

We are hopeful that GSF will dry the seed corn and fuel the irrigation electrical system with Green Ammonia.

Storage of Green Ammonia is required at large farm sites. A good price is offered to GPA contractors.


Your Great Plains Reporter

     Guy J Swanson
Exactrix® Global Systems
4501 East Trent Avenue
Spokane, Washington.
509-254-6854 office.
509-995-1879 cell.

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509.254 6854